Rituals are needed in order to develop a habit (e.g., to write reports) and to feel involved (in the company). Workwear, by the way, is also a small ritual.
Ideas: to organize a corporate radio with ads (there are ready-made solutions, if interesting - write in comments), to organize a "file about a block" tea drinking by departments (the main thing is not to delay), to make a contest of jobs.
As for reporting, in general it looks like this: every morning in the chat department all employees write a mini plan: what I do today and what I want to get the result. In the evening - a similar report "What happened, and if not - why". Such synchronization inside the department allows you to immediately notice stalling processes, misunderstanding of the task or problems with priorities.
In addition, you also need technical means to track performance. This will be discussed in the next issue.