Special assessment of working conditions is a mandatory procedure for all Russian organizations.
It is necessary to conduct it even for office workers. The only ones who are "released" are remote workers.
The main thing about the SHOUT:
- Development of regulatory documents. It is easier to pay for a special company that will do everything. About it a little later.
- The composition of the commission that will conduct the SHOUT.
The number of members of the commission should be odd, the best - three. A chairman is appointed, a manager.
- Jobs will be evaluated for 20 % of the total number of jobs (but at least two). The results are applied to all similar jobs.
Example: if you have 20 employees with a Programmer job, 4 jobs must be evaluated. And this is the same for the other jobs (all of them) according to the staffing table.
Selection of the company for the SHOOT:
- It is important that the cost of services depends on the number of jobs.
- And what we talked about in the beginning. It's quite normal when the escort is on. Many companies are not ready to develop templates of documents, orders and rules themselves.
What to do after receiving documents?
From the day the results report is approved, the employer must:
- Within 3 working days, notify the organization that conducted the SOUTH about the approval;
- No later than 30 calendar days in advance, under the signature, to familiarize the employees with the results of the special assessment;
- If the organization has an official website, within 30 calendar days from the date of approval of the report, the employer shall place the summary data on the results of the assessment;
- Submit a declaration to the labour inspectorate
Fines for noncompliance are not weak: the total can reach 400,000 and up to 90 days of suspension of the company.